+386 51 412 686



  • Santa's land

    Santa's land

    magical place for kids


Winter HIT since 2012! So far, we have always sold out all dates!

Dear parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and all friends of small and big upstarts. Make the children happy and make this year's holidays authentic and natural again, and put sparkles in their eyes. Visit Santa's land, which is far from the crazy world, hidden among the trees near Lake Bohin
j.  In the idyllic wooden cabin and its surroundings, the story of fairy-tale heroes who desperately want the company of red-faced little ones who still believe in fairy tales will come to life again this year.

Through the forest, Santa's helper will lead you to an idyllic cabin, where the children will be welcomed by a white-bearded gentleman dressed in red clothes, SANTA CLAUS. By the open fireplace, children will listen to stories from the fairy-tale world. In Santa's land, you can enjoy a reindeer run (2 zip lines), exploration through Polh's wormhole, a complex spider's web, a skill trail, fishing, snow tube descents (if the weather conditions are suitable) and NEW - a large slide, a children's corner with creative workshops, family photography of the "Dwarf Family"... and other shenanigans where the gnomes will accompany us.
We also have Santa's letterbox ready, where children can bring their drawings and letters and a real Santa stamp, with which they can stamp their letters, drawings...or put it on their hand :).
In the cottage, during the story time, the children are alone with Santa, so the program is suitable for children from the age of 3. Parents accompany their children through Santa's Park.

Watch a cute video made by the Oops family in Santa's Land here.   Urška and Joni say that Jaka and Luka really enjoyed themselves and had a great time together at our place...



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 *****Mandatory reservation in advance! *****

Make the children's holidays authentic and natural again and light sparkles in their eyes!
Don't miss the dates, because every year we sell out all the dates.

The program lasts an hour and a half.     We have tea and cookies prepared for children, and tea or mulled wine for adults, and they are included in the price of the program.
The program can be carried out in any weather.

per child: 17 EUR
adults: 7 EUR

Discount code based on the number of children: OTROK3, OTROK4, ...The discount can only be applied to a multi-member family.

Tickets for visiting Santa's Land are transferable. In case of illness, refunds and cancellations of appointments are not possible,
you can find a replacement family to visit us instead!

Mandatory advance reservation, because every year we have all dates sold out!

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Santa and his team





 *****Check your e-mail after the purchase, as the confirmation of the purchase of the appointment may end up in the spam or promotions folder.*****


16.12.2023 at 11.00, 13.00, 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock 

17.12.2023 at 11.00, 13.00, 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock 

18.12.2023 at 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock   

19.12.2023 at 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock      

20.12.2023 at 11.00, 13.00, 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock   

21.12.2023 at  15.00 and 17.00 o'clock 

22.12.2023  15.00 and 17.00 o'clock  SOLD OUT

23.12.2023 at 11.00, 13.00, 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock SOLD OUT 

25.12.2023 at 11.00, 13.00, 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock SOLD OUT

26.12.2023 at 11.00, 13.00, 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock SOLD OUT

27.12.2023 at 11.00, 13.00, 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock

28.12.2023 at 11.00, 13.00, 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock

29.12.2023 at 11.00, 13.00, 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock

30.12.2023 at 11.00, 13.00, 15.00 and 17.00 o'clock

Mandatory advance reservation, because every year we have all dates sold out! Reservations are made by clicking on the published dates.
***The number of children per appointment is limited, if there are too many reservations at once, the registration time will be taken into account.
    Anyone who registers for overbooked time slot, will receive a refund.

Would you like Santa to give your child a gift?

Through the park with Bozicka There is nothing more beautiful than receiving a gift from the hand of Santa, on a real Santa's sleigh... that's why we have prepared this option for your children. Bring the gifts you intended for your up-and-comer with you and place them on Santa's sleigh upon arrival while the children are in the cabin with Santa. The gift should be wrapped and signed. This has now become a constant practice of most parents and the children are then sad if they do not receive a gift...

Z Bozickom skozi park


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Liza: 051 412 686 
  • Jana: 041 916 753

Santa's Land is implemented in cooperation with the TOP društvo - association for tourism, animation and sports events.
The program in Santa's Land, the use of toys and ZIP-line is carried out at your own risk!
  • Santa's land

    Santa's land

    magical place for kids



Zakaj izbrati nas

Izkušena ekipa vam omogoča izvedbo zelo različnih programov, ne glede na stopnjo zahtevnosti. Pri nas je zadovoljstvo strank na prvem mestu. Trudimo se biti v koraku s časom in dajemo poudarek zelenim vrednotam, ki jih nudi narava. Svojim strankam prinašamo nekaj svežega, drznega, lepega.

Poslovne odnose gradimo na dolgi rok, kar dokazujejo naše reference.

Preizkusite nas, ne bo vam žal!


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TOP AGENCIJA d.o.o., so.p.
Triglavska cesta 27

4264 Bohinjska Bistrica


O podjetju

+386 51 412 686